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While studying at the Art Insitute in Florence, Francesca Guicciardini began to dedicate her life to art and in particular to the art of mural decoration. 


 As a young girl, raised in one of the oldest Florentine families, Francesca began by painting the walls of her mother's home, and it was while still at the Art Institute that she began to receive her first commissions.

 Over the years she has applied her talent as an artist and eye for design to walls all around Italy. She always prefers to work closely with her commissioner and since her days as a young student, she has painted Florentine apartments, ancient Roman villas, Tuscan country  homes, and public spaces.


 After her studies she moved to Rome, where her talent was nurtured by her work for the roman artist Matteo Basilè. At the same time she was also specializing in graphic design and editing, and it was her capacity in her studies that bought her to Cinecitta' where she directed small documentaries based on her voyages around the world.


 Francesca's passion for travel has bought her to some of the most remote and beautiful places in the world. Her travels could last up to a whole year if she felt inspired. The result of these travels has been an extraordinary collection and study of the various decorative themes and ornaments she encountered along the way.


 Today Francesca specializes in combining the knowledge she has acquired over the years, and during her travels, to work on some of the most important walls in Europe. Her main passion remains classical decoration, a reminder of the Italian Renaissance that surrounded her most of her life, but her originality comes from joining this innate passion with her knowledge as designer and avid traveler.


Francesca Guicciardini nasce a Firenze nel 1978 da una storica famiglia fiorentina, qui studia presso l’istituto d’arte di porta romana, seguendo lezioni di decorazione e grafica


Durante questi anni inizia a sperimentare la pittura murale,

prima direttamente sui muri di casa  propria, poi per piccoli committenti fiorentini.

Nel 1997 si diploma e si rasferisce a roma, dove inizia a studiare computer grafica, alternando gli studi a decorazioni per committenze in giro per l’italia.


Lavora per un paio di anni come grafica per l’artista romani Matteo basilè, segue un corso di montaggio video presso cinecitta per realizzare documentary durante i suoi lunghi viaggi nel sud del mondo, dove si porta sempre dietro l’occorrente per realizzare gli acquarelli che ispirano i suoi lavori di decorazione.


Dal 1999 ad oggi ha decorato svariati muri, ville, casali e locali pubblici

in giro per il mondo, specializzata nella decorazione “classica”

(molto in voga nelle ville toscane del xix secolo),

Francesca ha saputo coniugare gli studi di grafica, all’arte orientale

conosciuta durante i viaggi in asia, senza dimenticare il rinascimento fiorentino

che l’ha circondata e ispirata durante la sua formazione artistica.

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